Title | Pages |
Formation of the architectural and structural systemof buildings in St. Petersburg in the 1703-1730-s |
5-14 |
Integration of small wind power plants into the architectural form of low-rise residential buildings |
15-22 |
The architecture of modern mosques in Egypt as a subject of critical analysis Issa Rahaf Munir Zhukova T. F. |
23-29 |
1736-1740-s: new vector of St. Petersburg development |
30-42 |
Resource-centric system of the formation of fortified settlements in the South Urals in ancient times Ulchitskiy O. A. |
43-53 |
Title | Pages |
Temperature distribution based on fire resistance tests in fiberglass reinforced concrete beams |
54-63 |
Load-bearing capacity of crane beams with fatigue cracks in the compressed belt zone Kubasevich A. E. |
64-70 |
Comparison analysis of using micrometers and strain gauges for measuring deformations and loads in the method of monitoring the stress-strain state Lobovskiy M. O., Pyatkin P. A. |
71-75 |
Title | Pages |
Rate of deformation in the cross section of a spatially curved rod with various assumptions Meleshko V. A. |
76-83 |
Title | Pages |
Production of oleophilic sorbent and studying its oil absorption properties |
108-112 |
Title | Pages |
The design improvement of the heat exchanger with heat pipes based on the CFD modeling results Timofeev A. V., Yakovlev V. A. |
113-119 |
Title | Pages |
Unification in the design of four-span continuous bridges Makarov A. V., Kalinovsky S. A. |
120-126 |
Analysis of geometric elements of roads when assessing their accident rate by means of modern geoinformational systems Sheshera N. G. |
127-133 |
Title | Pages |
Methodology for calculating the work of forces on the continuous change in the angle of rotation of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle in performing road accident examinations Vasiliev Ya. V., Voronin V. V. |
134-138 |
Speed factor in the road safety system |
139-148 |