The article proposes an adjustment method of comparison objects in the comparative approach to real estate valuation, based on the comparison of clusters of different groups of real estate objects formed by price-forming factors and the rate of change between the dates of cadastral valuation. Price-forming factors are divided into qualitative and continuous ones. The division of objects into clusters is carried out according to the growth rate in the period between cadastral valuation and to the qualitative factors. Then, in each cluster, two-dimensional distributions of cadastral values and the resulting dependencies of the changed cadastral value on continuous price-forming factors are considered. The proposed method makes it possible to adjust the objects of comparison of market data (including for small samples), based on the data of cadastral accounting of two periods. These examples are based on a comparison of cadastral valuation results of residential real estate in St. Petersburg in 2015 and 2018.
- рыночная стоимость недвижимости
- стохастическая модель ценообразования
- мода логарифмически нормального закона распределения
- корректировка цен объектов сравнения
- real estate market value
- stochastic model of pricing
- mode of the logarithmically normal law of distribution
- the price adjustment of the comparison objects