Список цитируемой литературы:
Zhang N., Tian Y., Xia H. A train-bridge dynamic interaction analysis method and its experimental validation // Engineering. 2016. Vol. 2. № 4. Pp. 528-536
Olmos J. M., Astiz M. A. Analysis of the lateral dynamic response of high pier viaducts under high-speed train travel // Engineering Structures. 2013. Vol. 56 (1). Pp. 1384-1401
Fedorova M., Sivaselvan M. V. An algorithm for dynamic vehicle-track-structure interaction analysis for high-speed trains // Engineering Structures. 2017. Vol. 148. Pp. 857-877
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Kumar V., Rastogi V., Pathak P. M. investigation of effect of wheel/track irregularities on the dynamic response of the railway track using bond graph // 13th international Conference on Bond Graph Modeling (iCBGM 2018). Part of the 2018 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim 2018). The Society for Modeling and Simulation international, 2018. Vol. 50 (12)
Arvidsson T., Karoumi R. Train-bridge interaction - a review and discussion of key model parameters // international Journal of Rail Transportation. 2014. Vol. 2 (3). Pp. 147-186
Wang S. M., et al. Modelling dynamic interaction of maglev train-controller-rail-bridge system by vector mechanics // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2022. Vol. 533. 117023
Ticona Melo L. R., et al. Validation of a vertical train-track-bridge dynamic interaction model based on limited experimental data // Structure and infrastructure Engineering. 2020. Vol. 16 (1). Pp. 181-201
Cantero D., et al. Train-track-bridge modelling and review of parameters // Structure and infrastructure Engineering. 2015. Vol. 12 (9). Pp. 1051-1064
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Li H., et al. Bridge stress calculation based on the dynamic response of coupled train-bridge system // Engineering Structures. 2015. Vol. 99. Pp. 334-345
Duan Y. F., et al. Vector form intrinsic finite-element analysis for train and bridge dynamic interaction // Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2018. Vol. 23 (1). 04017126
Greco F., Lonetti P., Pascuzzo A. A moving mesh FE methodology for vehicle-bridge interaction modeling // Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2020. Vol. 27. № 14. Pp. 1256-1268
Hu Y., Guo W. Seismic response of high-speed railway bridge-track system considering unequal-height pier configurations // Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020. Vol. 137. 106250
Borjigin S., et al. Nonlinear dynamic response analysis of vehicle-bridge interactive system under strong earthquakes // Engineering Structures. 2018. Vol. 176. Pp. 500-521
Локтев А. А., Баракат А., Кбейли Д. Сейсмическое поведение главной балки моста с вязкоупругими демпферами // Вестник МГСУ. 2021. Т. 16, № 7. С. 809-818. dOi 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.7.809-818
Montenegro P. A., et al. impact of the train-track-bridge system characteristics in the runnability of high-speed trains against crosswinds - Part ii: Riding comfort // Journal of Wind Engineering and industrial Aerodynamics. 2022. Vol. 224. 104987
Naeimi M., et al. influence of uneven rail irregularities on the dynamic response of the railway track using a three-dimensional model of the vehicle-track system // Vehicle system dynamics. 2015. Vol. 53 (1). Pp. 88-111
Martínez-Rodrigo M. D., et al. Effect of soil properties on the dynamic response of simply-supported bridges under railway traffic through coupled boundary element-finite element analyses // Engineering Structures. 2018. Vol. 170. Pp. 78-90
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