Список цитируемой литературы:
Хачиян А. С. Сравнительная оценка выбросов двуокиси углерода различными двигателями // Перспективы развития энергетических установок для автотранспортного комплекса: сб. науч. тр. МАДИ (ТУ). М.: ТехПолиграфЦентр. 2016. С. 4-9
Wu H. W. and Wu Z. Y. Investigation on combustion characteristics and emissions of diesel / hydrogen mixtures by using energy-share method in a diesel engine // Appl Therm Eng. 2012. № 42. Рр. 154-162
Kumar M., Tsujimura T., and Suzuki Y. NOx model development and validation with diesel and hydrogen/diesel dual-fuel system on diesel engine // Energy. 2018. № 145. Рр. 496-506
Dimitriou P. and Tsujimura T. A review of hydrogen as a compression ignition engine fuel // Int J Hydrogen Energ, 2017. № 42. Рр. 470-486
Nag S., Sharma P., Gupta A., Dhar A. Experimental study of engine performance and emissions for hydrogen diesel dual fuel engine with exhaust gas recirculation // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019. № 44 (23). Pp. 163-175. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.03.120
Dimitriou P., Kumar M., Tsujimura T., and Suzuki Y. Combustion and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel engine // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (29) 2018. № 43. Рр. 605-617
Yuan C., Han C., Liu Y., He Y., Shao Y., and Jian X. Effect of hydrogen addition on the combustion and emission of a diesel free-piston engine // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (29) 2018. № 43. Рр. 583-593
Gomes-Antunes J. M., Mikalsen R. and Roskilly A. P. An experimental study of a direct injection compression ignition hydrogen engine // Int J Hydrogen Energ. 2009. № 34. Рр. 16-22
Sharma P. and Dhar A. Compression ratio influence on combustion and emissions characteristic of hydrogen diesel dual fuel CI engine: Numerical Study // Fuel. 2018. № 222. Рр. 52-58
Koten H. Hydrogen effects on the diesel engine perfor-mance and emissions // Int J Hydrogen Energ. 2018. № 43. Рр. 511-519
Karagoz Y., Sandalci T., Yuksek L., Dalkilic A.S. and Wongwises S. Effect of hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel usage on performance, emissions and diesel combustion in diesel engines // Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2016. № 8(8). Рр. 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1687814016664458
Miyamoto T., Hasegawa H., Mikami M., et al. Effect of hydrogen addition to intake gas on combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of a diesel engine // Int J Hydrogen Energ. 2011. № 7. Рр. 341-353
Sharma P., Dhar A. Effect of hydrogen supplementation on engine performance and emissions // Int J Hydrogen Energy. 2018. № 43. Рр. 75-70
Resitoglu I. A., Keskin A. Hydrogen applications in selective catalytic reduction of NOx emissions from diesel engines // Int J Hydrogen Energy. 2017. № 42. Рр. 389-394
Herna´ndez J. J., Lapuerta M. and Barba J. Separate effect of H2, CH4 and CO on diesel engine performance an demission’s under partial diesel fuel replacement // Fuel. 2016. № 165. Рр. 173-184
Herna´ndez J. J., Salvador J. B. and Cova-Bonillo A. Autoignition of diesel-like fuels underdual operation with H2 // Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2019. № 11(6). Рр. 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/1687814019856781
Talibi M., Hellier P., Morgan R., et al. Hydrogen-dieselfuel co-combustion strategies in light duty and heavy duty CI engines // Int J Hydrogen Energ. 2018. № 343. Рр. 46-58
Juknelevicius R., Rimkus A., Pukalskas S., Matijosius J. Research of performance and emission indicators of the compression-ignition engine powered by hydrogen - Diesel mixtures // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018. Рр. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.11.185
Hamdan M. O., Selim M. Y. E., Al-Omari S.-A. B., and Elnajjar E. Hydrogen supplement co-combustion with diesel in compression ignition engine // Renewable Energy. 2015. № 82. Рр. 54-60
Karagoz Y., Sandalci T., Yuksek L., Dalkilic A. S. Engine performance and emission effects of diesel burns enriched by hydrogen on different engine loads // Int J Hydrogen Energy. 2015. № 40. Рр. 702-713
Tsujimura T., Suzuki Y. The utilization of hydrogen in hydrogen / diesel dual fuel engine // Int J Hydrogen Energy. 2017. № 42. Рр. 19-29
Ciniviz M., Köse H. Hydrogen Use in Internal Combustion Engine: A Review / International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2012. № 1. Рр. 1-15
Putrasari Y. et al. Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various loads condition // Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology. 2018. № 9. Рр. 49-56
Ключевые слова:
- водородная добавка
- двигатели внутреннего сгорания (ДВС)
- вредные выбросы
- городская агломерация
- коммерческий и коммунальный автотранспорт
- экологическая безопасность
- hydrogen additive
- internal combustion engines
- harmful emissions
- urban agglomeration
- commercial and municipal vehicles
- environmental safety