Список цитируемой литературы:
Calise F., Cappiello F., Carteni A., d’Accadia M., Vicidomini M. A novel paradigm for a sustainable mobility based on electric vehicle, photovoltaic panels and electric energy storage systems: Case studies for Naples and Salerno (Italy) // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019. № 11. Pp. 97-114
Leurent F., Windisch E. Triggering the development of electric mobility: a review of public policies // Europe Transportation Research Review. 2011. № 3. Pp. 221-235
Pieriegud J. E-mobility on-demand in the central and eastern European countries: current trends, barriers and opportunities // Transportation Economics and Logistics. 2019. № 1. Pp. 268-281
Rietmann N., Lieven T. How policy measures succeeded to promote electric mobility - Worldwide review and outlook // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. № 2. Pp. 66-75
Chen L., Wu Z. Study on the effects of EV charging to global load characteristics via charging aggregators // Energy Procedia. 2018. № 145. Pp. 175-180
Gimenez-Gaydou D. A., Ribeiro A. N., Gutierrea J., Antunes A. P. Optimal location of battery electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas: A new approach // International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2016. № 10. Pp. 393-405
Daskin M. S.Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications. 2nd ed. Wiley, 2013. 544 p
Frade I., Ribeiro A., Goncalves G. A., Antunes A. P. Optimal location of charging stations for electric vehicles in a neighborhood in Lisbon, Portugal // Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2011. № 1. Pp. 91-98
Ghamami M., Nie Y., Zockaie A. Planning charging infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles in city canters // International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2016. № 10. Pp. 343-353
Ko J., Shim J. S. Locating battery exchange stations for electric taxis: a case study of Seoul, South Korea // International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2016. № 10. Pp. 139-146
He S., Kuo Y., Wu D. Incorporating institutional and spatial factors in the selection of the optimal locations of public electric vehicle charging facilities: A case study of Beijing, China // Transportation Research Part C. 2016. № 67. Pp. 131-148
Chen C., Hua G. A new model for optimal deployment of electric vehicle charging and battery swapping stations // International Journal of Control and Automation. 2014. № 7. Pp. 247-258
Wolbertus R., Hoed R. Electric vehicle fast charging needs in cities and along corridors // World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2019. № 10. Pp. 45-54
Wang Y., Lin C. Locating multiple types of recharging stations for battery-powered electric vehicle transport // Transportation Research Part E. 2013. № 58. Pp. 76-87
Mak H., Rong Y., Shen Z. Infrastructure planning for electric vehicles with battery swapping // Management science. 2013. № 59. Pp. 1557-1575
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