Review article

Change of the elasticity modulus at heating of steel-fiber concrete with high-strength cement-sand matrix








The paper considers the effects of high temperatures in case of fire on the change of the elastic modulus of steel fiber concrete with a high-strength cement-sand matrix and various fiber contents of different strength, types and diameters. It is shown that in the temperature range from 20 to 1100° C, the «heating temperature - elastic modulus» diagrams of the matrix and steel fiber concrete are S-shaped, with a monotonous decrease of the elastic modulus with increasing temperature. Herewith, the elastic modulus of steel fiber concrete is mainly determined by a change in the physic-mechanical characteristics of the matrix caused by the temperature effect. The results obtained in this research can be used at developing the methods for assessing the degree of damage to steel fiber reinforced concrete structures caused by fire.


Krasnovskij R. O. JSC «Institute «Orgenergostroy»

Kapustin D. E. Moscow State National Research University of Civil Engineering

Sultygova P. S. Ingush State University

Travkin P. V. JSC «Institute «Orgenergostroy»

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