Список цитируемой литературы:
Рюмин В. В. Анализ податливости рамных узлов на высокопрочных болтах // Современные строительные конструкции из металла и древесины. 2012. № 16 (1). С. 216-223.
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Lacey A. W., Wensu Ch., Hong H., Kaiming B. New interlocking inter-module connection for modular steel buildings: Experimental and numerical studies // Engineering Structures. 2019. № 198. 109465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109465.
Lacey A. W., Wensu Ch., Hong H., Kaiming B. Effect of inter-module connection stiffness on structural response of a modular steel building subjected to wind and earthquake load // Engineering Structures. 2020. № 213. 110628. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110628.
Zhang J.-F., Zhao J.-J., Deng E.-F., et al.Component method based rotation performance and design method for the connection in ATLS modular house // Thin-Walled Structures. 2021. № 164. 107803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. tws.2021.107803.
Khan K., Yan J.-B. Numerical studies on the seismic behaviour of a prefabricated multi-storey modular steel building with new-type bolted joints // Advanced Steel Construction. 2021. Vol. 17 (1). Pp. 1-9. DOI 10.18057/ IJASC.2021.17.1.1.
Choi K.-S., Kim H.-J. An Analytical Study on Rotational Capacity of Beam-Column Joints in Unit Modular Frames // International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering. 2015. Vol. 2. Pp. 100-103. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1098106.
Renwei Ma, Junwu Xia, Hongfei Chang, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical properties on novel modular connections with superimposed beams // Engineering Structures. 2021. Vol. 232. 111858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. engstruct.2021.111858.
Yongrui Wang, Junwu Xia, Renwei Ma, et al. Experimental study on the flexural behavior of an innovative modular steel building connection with installed bolts in the columns // Applied Science. 2019. Vol. 9 (17). 3468. https://doi:10.3390/app9173468.
En-Feng Deng, Liang Zong, Yang Ding, et al. Monotonic and cyclic response of bolted connections with welded cover plate for modular steel construction // Engineering Structures. 2018. № 167. Pp. 407-419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.04.028.
Seungjae Lee, Jaeseong Park, Euishin Kwak, et al. Verification of the seismic performance of a rigidly connected modular system depending on the shape and size of the ceiling bracket // Materials. 2017. № 10 (3). 263. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10030263.
Seungjae Lee, Jaeseong Park, Sudeok Shon, et al. Seismic performance evaluation of the ceiling-brackettype modular joint with various bracket parameters // Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2018. Vol. 150. Pp. 298-325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2018.08.008.
Fu Jia Luo, Chenting Ding, Styles A., Yu Bai. End Plate- Stiffener Connection for SHS Column and RHS Beam in Steel-Framed Building Modules // International Journal of Steel Structures. 2019. Vol. 19 (1). Pp. 1353-1365. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13296-019-00214-6.
Широков В. С., Алпатов В. Ю., Гордеев Е. А. Исследование жесткости узлов соединений ригеля и стойки модульных быстровозводимых зданий // Вестник МГСУ. 2021. Т. 16, № 1. С. 20-29. DOI 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.1.20-29.
Широков В. С., Гордеева Т. Е. Исследование жесткости узла соединения ригеля со стойкой модульного здания // Вестник гражданских инженеров. 2020. № 6 (83). С. 90-96. DOI 10.23968/1999-5571-202017-6-90-96.
Широков В. С., Белаш Т. А. Вращательная жесткость внутримодульных узловых соединений с горизонтальными ребрами //Промышленное и гражданское строительство. 2022. № 4. С. 57-63. DOI 10.33622/0869-7019.2022.04.57-63
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