Review article

Experimental research of intra-module joint stiffness








The study of rotational stiffness of nodal joints in order to clarify the actual performance of building structures is an actual research direction. This point is valid for modular buildings as well. Basically, the study of the nodal joint stiffness is carried out by numerical methods. The purpose of the study is to compare the results of determining the rotational stiffness of intra-module joints obtained by the finite element method with the results of received at physical tests. The authors propose a scheme of a test installation for determining the rotational stiffness of joints. Physical tests of two full-size joints were carried out. The physical tests results obtained have good correlation with the results of numerical studies.


Shirokov V.S. Samara State Technical University Samara, Russia

Belash T.A. JSC Research Center of Construction Moscow, Russia

Solovyev A.V. Samara State Technical University Samara, Russia

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