Ethical aspects and legal framework

The Editorial Board of the Journal bears responsibility for making decisions on publications, ensuring the validity of its decisions by involving as reviewers leading scientists and third-party specialists in the discussion of articles received by the Editorial Board and cooperation with relevant scientific societies as collective experts.

The decision to publish an article is based on the reliability, scientific significance and relevance of the work in question.

The policy of the Editorial Board of the Journal is based on modern legal requirements in relation to copyright, legality, plagiarism and defamation set out in Russian legislation, and ethical principles supported by the community of leading publishers of scientific periodicals.

When forming its editorial policy, the Journal rests upon the recommendations of international organizations on the ethics of scientific publications:


• Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

• Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers and Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scientific Publishing

• Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers)

• Guidelines for retracting articles

• International standards for editors and authors and others, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).


All participants in the process of preparing materials for publication at the Journal, i.e., authors, reviewers, members of the Editorial Board, representatives of the publishing house must follow the standards of publication ethics set out below. In cases where it is suspected that any of the principles described below have been violated, the Editorial Board of the Journal will follow the COPE instructions.


Authorship and copyright. The copyright for publications remains with the authors for an unlimited period. This means that only the author has exclusive rights. Authors transfer the rights to publish an article to the publisher of the Journal only on the basis of a non-exclusive license. This means that authors can transfer the rights to publish an article in other publications, but only after its first publication in the Journal. Based on the non-exclusive license obtained from the author, the publisher places all articles on the website in the public domain.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering” (SPbGASU) has only non-exclusive rights to publish. The authors retain copyright indefinitely.


The author is understood as all persons (co-authors) who took part in the research and creation of the manuscript and are responsible for its content. The license agreement must be signed by all co-authors or one of the co-authors who have received this right from other co-authors by power of attorney, a copy of which must in this case be submitted to the editorial office. The person (author) who submitted the manuscript to the editor is responsible for the completeness of the presentation of the composition of the author’s team and their approval of all changes made to the text of the manuscript based on the results of its review and editing.


Author’s ethics. The editors board expects authors who offer their materials for publication in the Journal to abide the following  principles:

originality of the research

• Provision of reliable results of the work done, absence of false statements, error-free data presentation

• Objective discussion of the significance of the research

• Inadmissibility of personal, critical or disparaging remarks and accusations against other researchers

• Complete exclusion of plagiarism  recognition of the contribution of others, the obligatory presence of bibliographic references to all external sources of information and publications essential for this article (including the author’s previously published articles and scientific materials), while avoiding self-plagiarism (repeated and duplicate publications). The author must inform the Editorial Board of the Journal about all their works and the works of their co-authors, overlapping on the topic with the article submitted to the Editorial Board and being considered in other publications

• Obtaining permission to use (reproduce) other people’s materials, tables, images and the obligatory indication of the author of these materials and / or the owner of the copyright for these materials.

• Submission of information from confidential sources only with their permission

• Presentation as co-authors of all participants who have made a significant contribution to the research and writing of the article  approval of the final version of the work by all co-authors and their full agreement with its submission for publication

• Expressing gratitude to other colleagues who are not the authors of this article, but who influenced its creation

• Disclosing potential conflicts of interest (providing information on employment, consulting, shareholdings, expert opinions, patent application or patent registration, receipt of royalties

• Clear indication in the text of the manuscript of information about grants received, other sources of research funding, about all other forms of support, i.e., facts that can be perceived as influencing the results or conclusions presented in the work

• Immediate reporting on significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication and interaction with the editor in order to promptly correct errors or withdraw the publication, timely correct errors and inaccuracies identified by the reviewer or editor.


Review ethics. Considering peer review as the most important link in ensuring the exchange of scientific information, the editors put forward requirements for the reviewers to comply with:

confidentiality: not to disclose information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the editor

objectivity: to comprehensively evaluate the manuscript, avoiding personal criticism of the author;  immediately declare a possible conflict of interest between the reviewer and the peer-reviewed work, its authors or the organization funding this research

impartiality: to evaluate the intellectual content of the manuscript regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political views of its author

• Clarity and argumentation of expressing one’s opinion  compliance with the principle of recognition of primary sources; indicate publications on the topic of the submitted manuscript that are not referenced in the reviewed article,  draw the editor’s attention to any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript in question and any other publication known to them.


Ethical principles of the editors of the Journal. The editor has the exclusive right to accept the manuscript for publication or reject it. A manuscript may be rejected by the editor at the stage preceding peer review, if there is a good reason for this (the subject of the article does not correspond to the scope of Journal’s subjects; the article is obviously of low scientific quality; the article was previously published in another publication; the submitted materials revealed a fundamental contradiction to the ethical principles that the Journals adheres to). The editor accepts the article for publication in accordance with his/her conviction that it meets the requirements of the Journal. Editors must ensure that materials they publish comply with international standards of scientific and publication ethics.

If there is a conflict of interest between the editor and the author of the article, the article must be transferred to another editor.

All incoming manuscripts that are not rejected for the above reasons at the first stage of consideration shall be submitted by the editor for review, selecting reviewers from among the most competent specialists on the subject of the article.


Conflict of interest policy. A potential conflict of interest occurs when there are financial, personal, or professional conditions that could affect the scientific judgment of a reviewer or editor and, as a consequence, the Editorial Board’s decision to publish an article.

The Journal proceeds from the fact that by the very fact of submitting an article to the Editorial Board for consideration, the author declares that:

• all sources of research funding are indicated in the text of the article

• there are no commercial, financial, personal or professional factors that could create a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted article.

Otherwise, the author must make an explicit statement of a possible conflict of interest in the cover letter when submitting the article to the Editorial Board.

If there is a conflict of interest, the author may ask to exclude any particular editor and / or reviewer from consideration of the article submitted.

Editors and reviewers must declare potential conflicts of interest that could influence the Editorial Board’s decision.

If there is a conflict of interest between the editor or reviewer and the author of the article, the article should be transferred to another editor or reviewer, respectively.

The evaluation of the article should not be biased. The presence of a conflict of interest, which is declared by any of the participants in the consideration and review process, should not in itself lead to a refusal to publish, since the most important criterion for evaluating a manuscript is its scientific quality.


Privacy declaration. Information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic, name of an affiliated organization, address of organization, e-mail address for communication of readers with the author, provided by them for publication in the Journal, becomes available to an indefinite circle of persons (the author’s background information form is posted on the website). Publication of this information is carried out in the interests of the authors with the aim of complete and correct accounting of publications and their citation by the relevant bibliographic organizations and ensuring the possibility of contacts between authors and the scientific community.

Personal information provided by the authors to the Journal in addition to the information listed above, including additional e-mail addresses and phone numbers, will be used exclusively for contacting the authors in the process of preparing the article for publication. The Editorial Board undertakes not to transfer this personal information to third parties who may use it for other purposes.


Retraction policy. In some cases, the Editorial Board of the Journal may decide to withdraw an article (retraction).

Reasons for retraction of the article:

• detection of plagiarism in an article, incl. detection of borrowings of figures, graphs, tables, etc., if the fact of plagiarism became obvious after the publication of the article (see the Plagiarism Policy); the emergence of claims regarding copyright for the article or its individual parts from third parties

• discovery of the fact of publication of an article in another publication before the date of its publication in the Journal

• presence of serious errors in the published article that cast doubt on its scientific value.

In such circumstances, the Editorial Board of the Journal initiates a review, as a result of which the article may be withdrawn from publication. An act on the withdrawal of the article from publication shall be drawn up and signed by the editor-in-chief. A copy of the act shall be sent to the author of the article.

At the same time, the article is not physically removed from the published circulation and the Journal issue file on the website. The Editorial Board publishes a statement on the withdrawal of the article with its placement on the corresponding page of the content of the issue on the official website of the Journal.

The editors of the Journal shall carefully and responsibly consider all reasonable appeals regarding violations found in published materials.

The editors consider it the responsibility of the author and reviewer to inform the editors as quickly as possible about missed errors and violations that they identified after the publication of the article.


Plagiarism policy. All articles submitted to the editorial office are subject to mandatory check for the correctness of borrowings at the initial stage of admission.

In the case of reasonable suspicions of plagiarism or the discovery of technical methods to hide its presence, the articles shall not be accepted for further consideration. The authors will be sent a message about the refusal to consider due to the presence of suspicion of plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected in an already published article, such an article shall be removed from publication without the possibility of recovery (without the physical removal of the article, by publishing a statement about the presence of plagiarism on the corresponding pages of the Journal’s website and the article file).

If there is an incorrect borrowing in the received article, all cases of such borrowing are considered individually.

The Editorial Board includes the following forms of plagiarism:

• use (literal citation) of any materials in any amount without indicating the source

• use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphic presentation of information without specifying the source

• use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphic presentation of information published in scientific and popular publications without the consent of the copyright holder

• use without written permission of materials, the authors or copyright holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special consent.

The Editorial Board includes the following forms of incorrect borrowing:

• lack of graphic highlighting of the verbatim cited text in the presence of links to the source; incorrect references (incomplete bibliographic description of sources, which prevents their identification

• a link not to the first source of the borrowed text without an explicit indication of this fact (an error in the definition of the original source)

• lack of links from the text to the sources given in the article list

• excessive citation (if there are references to sources and graphic highlighting of the quoted text), the volume of which is not justified by the genre and goals of the article.

The permissible amount of citations (correct borrowing) is no more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles that, for objective reasons, require a greater number of citations shall be considered by the editors on an individual basis.

Articles, the content of which is more than 30% consistent with other scientific materials of the author (dissertation, abstract, monograph, previous publications in journals and collections) are not accepted for publication.

Checking materials for borrowings. Submitted articles are checked in the “Antiplagiat” system, as well as through other network search engines on the Internet). If the Editorial Board has grounds for a more detailed check, additional tools may be involved to search for borrowings.

The editorial staff of the Journal strongly discourages the use of any technical methods to improve the rating of a text in the Antiplagiat system.

Articles in which signs of technical modifications were found in order to artificially increase the uniqueness of the text will not be published in the Journal even if they are revised. The Editorial Board informs the reviewer of all such facts and, in the event that the author works in an educational institution, their management.

In order to ensure the quality of published materials and to observe copyright, all incoming articles are checked through the Antiplagiat system and only after that are sent for review. Articles accepted for publication undergo the necessary editorial processing.


A collection of Russian translations of COPE recommendations on the ethics of scientific publications is published here.

The publisher of the Journal, i.e., SPbGASU, bears all the costs of production and publication of the Journal, including the organization of peer review and archiving.

Peer reviewing is not paid for.

The printed circulation of the Journal is distributed by subscription.

Full-text files of all archived and current issues of the Journal are publicly available on the website

When using materials, be sure to refer to the Journal and the authors of the articles.

For archiving, authors of articles and other users have access to publishing versions of pdf-files of articles immediately after the publication of the next issue of the Journal, without embargo.

Free reproduction of journal materials for personal purposes and free use for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes is allowed. Other uses are possible only after the conclusion of appropriate written agreements with the copyright holder.