Procedure for reviewing articles


Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov – Bulletin of Civil Engineers


After an article has been received, it is sent for review to a reviewer who is selected by the Editorial Review Board from among the members of the Editorial Review Board, Editorial Board and other authoritative Russian or foreign scientists.

The editors urge the reviewers participating in the evaluation of articles proposed for publication in our Journal to adhere to the principles proclaimed in the Ethical Principles for Reviewers, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE.)


1. According to the established procedure, all scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the Journal are subject to mandatory reviewing. Articles can also be accompanied by a review by a specialist in the specific field of the article, which does not revoke the peer review procedure organized by the Editorial Board in the following order.

2. The Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board determines the correspondence of the article to the Journal’s scope of topics, design requirements, assesses the completeness of the submitted review and sends the article for first consideration to one of the deputy editors-in-chief, who checks the scientific context of the manuscript. Further, if necessary, the article shall be sent for reviewing to one of the members of the Editorial Review Board / Editorial Board or an external reviewer, a specialist, doctor or candidate of sciences, who has the closest scientific specialization to the topic of the article.

3. The terms of reviewing in each individual case are determined by the Executive Secretary of the Journal, with the account of the creation of conditions for the fastest possible publication of the article.

4. The review shall cover the following issues:

• whether the content of the article corresponds to the topic declared in the title

• to what extent the article corresponds to modern achievements in the field of theory and practice of architecture and construction sciences

• the accessibility of the article material to readers in terms of language, style, location of the material, visibility of tables, diagrams, figures and formulas

• is it expedient to publish the article taking into account the novelty of the article materials

• to what extent the presentation of the article’s materials meets the modern requirements of the methodology of construction sciences and architecture, as well as how the research findings are applicable to the practice of the industry

• what deficiencies, corrections and additions are proposed for introduction by the author

• summary: recommended with the account of the correction of the shortcomings noted by the reviewer or not recommended for publication in a scientific and technical journal.

5. The review is carried out confidentially; the author is not informed of the name of the reviewer. The author of the article under review is given the opportunity to read the comments of the reviewer.

6. A copy of the review or a reasoned refusal to publish is sent to the author. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and revising the article, the Editorial Board sends the reviewer’s comments to the author with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with reason (partially or completely). The article, modified (revised) by the author, shall be sent for re-review.

7. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication will not be accepted for reconsideration. The text of the negative opinion is sent to the author by e-mail.

8. The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. The final decision on the expediency of publication is made by the Editorial Board of the scientific and technical journal Vestnik Grazhdanskikh Inzhenerov – Bulletin of Civil Engineers.

9. After the Editorial Board of the scientific and technical journal has made a decision on admitting an article for publication, the author is informed about this by e-mail indicating the publication timeframes.

10. The originals of reviews are kept in the editorial office of the Journal for at least 5 years. Copies are provided to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science upon request.

Information about the reviewer of the article shall not be published in the Journal.