The scientific and technical peer-reviewed Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov – Bulletin of Civil Engineers Journal reflects a broad spectrum of research conducted in Russia and abroad.
The Journal was founded by SPbGASU in 2004 and registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor); certificate of registration of the media organization: PI No. FS77-69753 dated 05.05.2017.
The Journal publishes the results of scientific research of scientists, teachers and other specialists in the field of architecture, construction, road transport, environment and environmental protection, new information technologies and social and economic issues. The history of the formation and development of national and foreign architecture and construction is also covered in publications.
Since 2008, the Journal has been included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Science should be published.
Periodicity of the Journal is 6 issues per year.
Subscription index in the Ural-Press catalog: 38532
ISSN 1999-5571
Circulation: 500 copies.
In accordance with the order of the RF Ministry of Education and Science Russia № 90-r dated December 28, 2018, and on the basis of recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission affiliated with the RF Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter, HAC), taking into account the conclusions of specialized expert councils of the HAC, the Bulletin of Civil Engineers Journal is included in the List of recommended for publication media organizations for the following scientific specialties and corresponding to them sciences:
2.1.1 - Construction structures, buildings and facilities (engineering sciences)
2.1.2 – Foundation engineering, underground structures (engineering sciences)
2.1.3 - Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting (engineering sciences)
2.1.4 - Water supply sewerage, construction systems for water resources protection (engineering sciences)
2.1.5 - Construction materials and products (engineering sciences)
2.1.7 - Technology and organization of construction (engineering sciences)
2.1.8 - Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels (engineering sciences)
2.1.9 - Construction mechanics (engineering sciences)
2.1.11 - Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (architecture)
2.1.12 - Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (architecture)
2.1.13 - Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (architecture)
2.9.5 - Operation of motor transport (engineering sciences)
08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (by branches and spheres of activities) (economic sciences)
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