Список цитируемой литературы:
Boltakova N. V., Faseeva G. R., Kabirov R. R., Nafikov R. M., Zakharov Yu. A. Utilization of inorganic industrial wastes in producing construction ceramics. Review of Russian experience for the years 2000-2015 // Waste Management. 2017. Vol. 60. Pp. 230-260
Zhang L. Production of bricks from waste materials - A review // Construction and Building Materials. 2013. Vol. 47. Pp. 643-655
Raut S. P., Ralegaonkar R. V., Mandavgane S. A. Development of sustainable construction material using industrial and agricultural solid waste: A review of waste-create bricks // Construction and Building Materials. 2011. Vol. 25. Pp. 4037-4042
Muňoz Velasco P., Morales Ortíz M. P., Mendívil Giró M.A.,MuňozVelascoL. Fired clay bricks manufactured by adding wastes as sustainable construction material - A review // Construction and Building Materials. 2014. Vol. 63. Pp. 97-107
Bories C., Borredon M.-E., Vedrenne E., Vilarem G. Development of eco-friendly porous fired clay bricks using pore-forming agents: A review // Journal of Environmental Management. 2014. Vol. 143. Рp. 186-196
Vieira C. M. F., Monteiro S. N. Incorporation of solid wastes in red ceramics - an updated review // Revista Matéria. 2009. Vol. 14, № 3. Рp. 881-905
Händle F. Extrusion in Ceramics. Engineering Materials and Processes. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007. 413 p
Чижский А. Ф. Сушка керамических материалов и изделий. М.: Стройиздат, 1971. 177 с
Kabirov R. R., Garipov L. N., Faseeva G. R., Nafikov R. M., Lapuk S. E. Prototyping of Ultrasonic Die for Extrusion of Ceramic Brick // Glass and Ceramics. 2017. Vol. 74. Pp. 85-90
Faseeva, G. R., Nafikov R. M., Lapuk S. E., Zakharov Y. A., Novik A. A., Vjuginova A. A., Kabirov R. R., Garipov L. N. Ultrasound-assisted extrusion of construction ceramic samples // Ceramics International. 2017. Vol. 43, Iss. 9. Pp. 7202-7210
Faseeva G. R., Nafikov R. M., Lapuk S. E., Kiyamov A. G., Zakharov Yu. A., Kabirov R. R., Garipov L. N., Lyadov N. M., Faizrakhmanov I. A. Clay Modifier Activation for Ceramic Brick by Ultrasonic Extrusion // Glass and Ceramics. 2018. Vol. 74. Pp. 450-455
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