Рассмотрена методика определения скорости автомобиля по расстоянию отбрасывания пешехода при фронтальном наезде.
Список цитируемой литературы:
- Appel H., Sturtz G., Gotzen L. Influence of impact speed and vehicle parameter on injuries of children and adults in pedestrian accidents // Proceedings of Second International IRCOBI Conference, 1975. Рp. 83-100
- Burg H., Rau H. Handbuch der Verkehrsunfallrekonstruktion. Verlag Information Ambs Gmbh, Kippenheim, 1981
- Searle J. A. The physics of throw distance in accident reconstruction // Society of Automotive Engineers, 1993
- Evans A. K., Smith R. Vehicle speed calculation from pedestrian throw distance. Department of Mathematical Sciences, De Monfort University, Leicester, UK, 1999
- Han I., Branch R. M. Throw model for frontal pedestrian collisions, Uni. Notre Dame USA, 2001
- Toor A., Araszewski M. Theoretical vs. empirical solutions for vehicle/pedestrian collisions. ASME Paper (2003-01-0883)
- Wood D. P., Simms C. K., Walsh D. G. Vehicle-pedestrian collisions: validated models for pedestrian impact and projection. Dublin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin, 2004
- Batista M. A simple throw model for frontal vehicle-pedestrian collision. University of Ljubljana, 2008
- Richardson S., Josevski N., Sandvik A., Pok T., Lange Orton T., Winter B. Pedestrian Throw Distance Impact Speed Contour Plots Using PC-Crash. RMIT University, 2015
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