Список цитируемой литературы:
Hanhijärvi A., Kevarinmäki A. Design method against timber failure mechanisms of dowelled steel-to-timber connections // CIB-W18 Timber Structures, Bled, Slovenia, 2007. Paper 40-7-3
Hanhijärvi A., Kevarinmäki A. Timber Failure Mechanisms in High-Capacity Dowelled Connections of Timber to Steel: Experimental results and design. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Publications, No. 677. 2008. URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/publications/2008/P677.pdf
Quenneville P., Zarnani P. Proposal for the Connection Chapter of the New Zealand Design of Timber Structures standard, Unpublished, 2017
Frühwald E., Serrano E., Toratti T., Emilsson A., Thelandersson S. Design of safe timber structures - How can we learn from structural failures in concrete, steel and timber? Report TVBK-3053 (Technical Report). Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University, 2007. 230 p
Frühwald E. Analysis of structural failures in timber structures: typical causes for failure and failure modes // Eng. Struct. 2011. Vol. 33, № 11. Pp. 2978-2982
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Crocetti R. Large-span timber structures // Proceedings of the World Congress on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’16), Prague, Czech Republic. 2016. Pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.11159/icsenm16.124
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Jorissen A. J. M. Double shear timber connections with dowel type fasteners: Ph.D. thesis. Delft, 1998. 284 p
Pedersen M. U. Dowel Type Timber Connections. Strength Modelling: Ph.D. thesis. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 2002. 165 p
Sawata K., Sasaki T., Kanetaka S. Estimation of shear strength of dowel-type timber connections with multiple slotted-in steel plates by European yield theory // J. Wood Sci. 2006. Vol. 52. Pp. 496-502. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10086-006-0800-9
van de Kuilen I. J.-W. Leistungsfähigen Verbindungen für Holzbrücken - Holz-Holz und Holz-Stahl // Internationale Holzbrückentage. 2010. 18 p
Cabrero J. M., Yurrita M. Performance assessment of existing models to predict brittle failure modes of steel-to-timber connections loaded parallel-to-grain with dowel-type fasteners // Eng. Struct. 2018. Vol. 171. Pp. 895-910. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.03.037
Rossi S., Crocetti R., Honfi D., Frühwald Hansson E. Load-bearing capacity of ductile multiple shear steel-to-timber connections // Proceeding of WCTE - World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2016. Vienna, Austria
Quenneville P. J., Franke S., Swagger T. Timber Portal Frames Design Guide - Australia. Christchurch, New Zealand: Structural Timber Innovation Company, 2011
Johansen K. W. Theory of timber connections. International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering, Bern. 1949. Publication No. 9. Pp. 249-262
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