Review article

Analysis of the load bearing capacity of the connection with the use of self-drilling dowels in various models of elastic failure








Currently, wooden structures characterized with high strength, low deformability and good aesthetics are being increasingly used in some areas of construction. Connections with multiple steel plates are very effective for wooden frames and trusses. In order to provide optimal connections, it is necessary to establish the relationship between the connection parameters and the load-bearing capacity of the structure. However, the technical regulations do not provide calculation methods specifically for this type of connection. There have been carried out a research and development of methods for calculating connections, an analysis of the self-drilling dowels` performance, and the factors affecting the load bearing capacity according to Eurocode 5 have been specified. The results obtained have been compared with other various research methods` results, there are offered authors` recommendations on the application of the standard in Russia.


Chernykh A. G. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Tran Quoc Phong Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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