Review article

Influence of axial deformability of joints on the results of static calculation of the UIKSS bearing system








The article is devoted to the problem of static calculation of the UIKSS system (universal industrial frame construction system), which is a precast reinforced concrete frame with girder-free non-accumulating floors, taking into account the axial deformability of plug joints between columns and slabs. The principle of modeling the frame in the LIRA-SAPR software package is considered and illustrated with an example, taking into account the joint stiffness parameters determined by the author’s method developed on the basis of numerical and experimental studies. The comparison and analysis of the obtained forces and displacements with and without taking into account the deformability of plug joints of columns with floor slabs is presented.


Sokolov B. S. Research Institute of Building Physics of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Troshkov E. O. Volga State University of Technology, Research Institute of Building Physics of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Journal Issue