When carrying out full-scale experiments on modeling the impact of a tsunami wave on a hydraulic structure, the physical model allows determining neither the displacement and stresses in individual elements of the hydraulic structure (HS), nor the frequencies of oscillations. This disadvantage of the physical model is eliminated when performing the same experiment using modern computing software, in which various tasks can be solved together. In the case considered, it is modeling of the tsunami wave run up process and calculation of the structure, respectively, for this load and the strength and stiffness of individual elements of the HS, which is a simultaneous solution of two problems: computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and solid deformation mechanics (transient structural task).As a result, simultaneous solving of these two tasks solves a common issue, that is acute when calculating the HSs in tsunami hazardous areas, namely, the issue of strength, rigidity and stability of both individual elements of the HS and the system as a whole. The study considers the calculation of an open-through HS for the impact of a tsunami load using modern software, namely the Ansys 19.2 program. The calculated HS is a conventional frame structure submerged in water. Such structures serve as piers or berths arranged along or near the shore, as well as in the water area.
- tsunami
- boron
- numerical modeling
- extreme loads
- special loads
- unsteady impacts
- computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- modeling of physical processes
- tsunami modeling
- methods for determining loads from boron (tsunami)
- Coupled calculations
- цунами
- бор
- численное моделирование
- экстремальные нагрузки
- особые нагрузки
- нестационарные воздействия
- вычислительная гидродинамика
- моделирование физических процессов
- моделирование цунами
- методы определения нагрузок от бора (цунами)
- сопряженные расчеты