Review article

Comparative analysis in the theory of approach to calculating the load on coastal structures caused by boron (tsunami)








To date, there are available numerous experimental data that have provided the basis for the derivation of equations linking the parameters of the collapsed boron wave (tsunami) and the total horizontal force at the time when this force reaches its greatest value, since it is this force which is predominantly the main cause of accidents taking place at hydraulic structures in tsunami-hazardous areas. The author considers three possible approaches to determining the total horizontal force caused by a boron (tsunami): using the method described in SP 292 «Buildings and structures in tsunami-prone areas»; using the method given in EN 1991-1-6–2009 «Impacts on structures», as well as by means of a numerical experiment performed in the Ansys 19.2 program. Such features of the numerical experiment as the form of the FE grid and the boundary conditions of this experiment are not specified in this article.


B. I. Kondakov Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia

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