Review article

Comparative calculation of the excavation pit enclosure types by the method of sheet pile walls and rigidity screens








The article provides a brief analysis of the existing types of excavation pit enclosure and a comparison analysis of their rigidity. Examples of the effectiveness of the cutoff «rigidity screen» are given. Taking into account the real engineering-geological conditions of St. Petersburg, there has been carried out a numerical analysis by the finite element method for the pit enclosure made of sheet piles and several options of the «rigidity screen». The effectiveness of a double-row sheet piling enclosure with an intermediate layer of soil in the natural condition and artificially-fixed jet grouting soil massif is analyzed.


Mangushev R. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Boyarintsev A. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Rusetskiy A. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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