Review article

Designing an image on the plane (On the example of graphics by J. Valeriani, J. B. Piranesi, M. I. Makhaev)








The article deals with the legacy of three graphic artists of the XVIII century: two Italian decorators and architects - J. Valeriani and J. B. Piranesi, and Russian engraver M. I. Makhaev. Three ways of constructing the image in their works are revealed. The conclusions of the comparative linear structural analysis of the composition in the works of these three artists are made. For the first time, during the study there were used not reproductions but original prints made from the authentic works by J. B. Piranesi (stored in the Fundamental Library of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering). On tracing paper, there was fixed the geometrical structure of composition of the engraving (linear schemes of the engraving, which was the basis for the implementation of linear circuits). As a result of the research, it became possible to reveal one artistic language and composition techniques inherent to J. Valeriani and his disciples, J. B. Piranesi and M. I.Makhaev.


Chernaya E. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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