Review article

The effect of reinforcement of bent reinforced concrete elements on their bearing capacity in conditions of variable freezing and thawing








The article considers the effect of transformation of statistical distributions of concrete strength and deformation characteristics under the influence of freezing and thawing cycles (FTC) on the load-bearing capacity of the bent reinforced concrete element under variable longitudinal reinforcement. Using the probabilistic approach, the influence of the nature of the reinforcement of the bent reinforced concrete element on the dynamics of its bearing capacity in the process of FTC is evaluated. It is substantiated that the reduction of the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams as a result of the impact of FTC depends on the nature of the reinforcement. There are offered some proposals for the construction of reinforced concrete beams operated in conditions of cold climate.


Popov V. M. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Plyusnin M. G. Kostroma State Agricultural Academy Karavaevo, Kostroma region, Russia

Belov V. V. JSC «Atomenergoproekt» St. Petersburg, Russia

Khegai O. N. Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov Abakan, Russia

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