Review article

Influence of mineral admixtures on shrinkage deformation of stone from lime solution








The analysis of research works devoted to the study of different mineral admixtures influence on development of shrinkage deformation of cement stone is presented.There were studued strength properties and shrinkage deformation of stone from lime building solution based on binder agent with active mineral admixture. The authors give the data on the influence of active type admixture on the change of air shrinkage of stone aged up to 28 days, and the comparison of these date with plain solution content without admixtures has been carried out. It has been established that shrinkage for stone aged 28 days from mixture with metakaolin is 10 percent lower than that of stone of the same age from mixture with microsilica suspension.


Shangina N. N. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University St. Petersburg, Russia

Safonova T. Yu. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University St. Petersburg, Russia

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