Review article

The influence of temperature deformed state of the strut system on additional forces in the shoring structures of excavation pits








The article presents the results of complex calculation-theoretic and experimental studies (both laboratory and field ones) of the effect of seasonal temperature changes on the stress-strain state (SSS) of the system «soil mass - enclosing structure - expansion-type support». The author has carried out an analysis on the influence of various factors - geological effects, hydro-geological conditions and parameters of the pit (the pit depth, the length of the struts, the rigidity of the enclosing wall of the pit strut structure) on changing of the SSS values in the enclosing and strut structures of the pit. It is shown that the forces in the strut system, taking into account the yielding property of the enclosing walls are significantly less than the forces determined by the scheme with fixed supports. The obtained results are compared with the data of the earlier carried out studies, including those performed by foreign authors.


Khritin I. V. OJSC SRC «Stroitelstvo» NIIOSP named after N. M. Gersevanov

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