The article presents a mathematical model of managing the quality of decisions made in intelligent complex organizational and technical systems of freight road transportation. The developed model allows performing a mandatory series of actions in these systems, namely, the following: analysis of random perturbations and factors of the internal and external environment acting on the system; derivation of stochastic equations reflecting the dynamic nature of the system; selection and justification of the optimality functional (criterion or criteria) and constraints and limitations; selection and justification of probabilistic characteristics of functional or optimality functional; analysis, refinement and simplification of stochastic equations of the system in accordance with the selected optimality criterion (criteria) and limitations; selection and justification of methods for statistical analysis of studied parameters in the system; selection and justification of the method for reducing the stochastic optimization problem to nonlinear (linear) programming problems; choosing a method for solving the boundary problem; selection and justification of the method for finding optimal values of parameters of the system under study.
- information situation
- decision-making theory
- stochastic uncertainty
- vector optimization methods
- multicriteria problem
- linear and nonlinear programming
- road freight transportation
- информационная ситуация
- теория принятия решений
- стохастическая неопределенность
- методы векторной оптимизации
- многокритериальная задача
- линейное и нелинейное программирование
- грузовые автомобильные перевозки