Review article

Multi-operational technical appliance for spreading sand-salt mixture onto the surface of snow-ice formation on sidewalks and highways








The issues associated with ensuring the safety of road traffic in winter by means of processing and uniform spreading of sand and salt mixture over the surface of snow and ice formation on roads and sidewalks are considered. A brief overview of the existing technical appliances which allow improving the safety of vehicles on the roads and pedestrians on the sidewalks is presented with consideration of introducing anti-ice materials. The design of a multi-operational technical appliance has been developed which envisaged using two technologies. The machine operation provides the following: 1) uniform spreading of loose materials on the surface during loading, transportation to the destination, dosage of salt, mixing of sand and salt with simultaneous uniform dispersion of sand and salt mixture over the surface of snow and ice formation on roads and sidewalks; 2)uniform distribution of bulk materials in the machine body during loading, transportation to the destination and unloading, both in situ and in motion. Experimental studies have established the dependency of the factors affecting the uneven dispersion of the sand and salt mixture with a multi-operative technical appliance. Numerical analysis of regression models and mathematical processing allowed optimizing the main parameters of the operating mode of the multi-operative technical appliance.


Vorontsov I. I. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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