The most common excavation walls are sheet piles, which are often sunk by vibration machines. In conditions of big thickness of water-saturated dispersed soils, one of the regulated safety criteria for the use of dynamic technology is the magnitude of soil vibrations and the structures that come to be located in the influence zone. The article presents the measured vibrations of the soil near the pile space in the process of vibration extraction of sheet piles. A characteristic oscillogram of vibration velocity with the characteristic stages of work production is added. Spectral analysis of the impact was performed to assess the prevailing frequency of the impact. The description of the process of numerical simulation of vibration extraction of a pile is given. As for the simulation results, there were obtained calculated oscillograms of the sheet piles located at 1.4 and 2.8 m distance from the sheet pile, and the influence zone was estimated. The calculated data obtained were compared with the results of field experiments.