Review article

Potentialities of the VTA F 96 flocculant in dehydration of household and industrial sewage water








The paper presents the results of the study of sewage water dehydration efficiency using the “VTA F 96” flocculant. It is shown, that this flocculant is suitable for treatment of both fresh sludge from urban and industrial wastewater treatment facilities and sludge collected at the test landfills for storage. The reached efficiency of dehydration is up to 4 times higher in comparison with natural water return (corresponding to the case of placement of sludge without introduction of reagents on silt platforms). Comparison of the VTA F 96 flocculant with the analogs used on treatment facilities, in particular, the Sibflok and Flopam 4698 SH is made. It is shown that the studied reagent doesn't concede to them in efficiency. Some additional ways of increasing the water return and achievement of the best quality of the received filtrate due to using additional reagents are considered.


Savinov S. S. Saint Petersburg State University

Eremin S. F. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Danilova A. Yu. «ROSAO», Ltd

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