Choosing the technology for the construction of buildings in the Arctic conditions is stipulated by two important factors, namely, the remoteness of the facilities and the short period of the summer season, which actualizes the problem of reducing the mass of structures and making shorter the construction work duration. In addition, one should keep in mind other important factors, such as permafrost, strong winds and low temperatures. Such conditions of construction necessitate the use of building technologies and space-planning solutions using light metal structures and mineral wool slabs, as well as sandwich-type laminated panels. The unified nomenclature, compactness and relative lightness of the parts ensure high efficiency of construction in the remote territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The first experimental construction experience in the Arctic has shown not only the comfort of space-planning solutions, but also the manufacturability of installation of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the erected residential and administrative complexes of the Arctic Trefoil type. The block-modular technology for the construction of dormitory buildings in the village of Tiksi (Yakutia), as well as the technology for the construction of buildings of the production and logistics complex «Arkhangelsk», erected using light steel structures, sandwich type panels and other pre-fabricated structures. A comparison analysis of pre-fabricated building systems according to the criterion of manufacturability has been carried out. There are proposed some fundamental solutions aimed at improving the installation technology of buildings in the Arctic conditions.
- технология
- возведение зданий
- вечная мерзлота
- низкая температура
- ветры
- короткое лето
- удаленность
- легкие стальные конструкции
- быстрое возведение
- каркасно-панельная технология
- блок-модуль
- блок-контейнер
- трансформируемые блок-модули
- technology
- construction of buildings
- permafrost
- low temperature
- winds
- short summer
- remoteness
- light steel structures
- fast construction
- frame-panel technology
- block-module
- block-container
- transformable block-modules