Review article

Stability of crane beam walls with fatigue cracksin the compressed belt zone








The paper describes a method for assessing the bearing capacity of the crane beam walls with fatigue cracks. There has been developed and implemented an algorithm for evaluating the stress-strain and limit state of the beam with a crack in the wall under a compressed belt. There has been established the dependence of the stress-strain and limit states of the beam wall on the value of the initial relative beam bending and the crack length in the section under the action of the bending moment and transverse force. The author presents the results of numerical studies of the effect of cracks on the bearing capacity of the beam wall. The influence of the amplitude of the initial beam wall deflection on the critical stress parameters is revealed. The dependence of the values of critical stress parameters on the relative crack length is considered.


Kubasevich A. E. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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