Review article

Statistical evaluation of the horizontal displacement of sheet piling enclosing structure at excavating pits based on variant calculations








In geotechnical practice, it is increasingly common to encounter designs of buildings and structures for which a developed underground space is envisaged, which in turn leads to the need to develop deep excavations. The method of calculation of cantilever sheet pile enclosing structures is considered, which allows performing a preliminary assessment of design solutions based on a minimum set of input data. It is shown that the use of empirical-theoretical dependence allows assessing the horizontal displacement of the cantilevered sheet pile enclosing structure with sufficient accuracy for engineering practice. Comparison of the results of numerical simulation with the calculation by the proposed regression model is given.


Skvortsov K.D. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Mangushev R.A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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