Review article

Strengthening the riverbanks of the Smolenka River with the composite pile sheeting








The Smolenka River, one of the branches of the Neva River, flows through the territory of St. Petersburg in the Vasiliyevsky Island area. According to survey data, there is a general tendency observed, namely, that is erosion of riverbanks. There is no riverbank revetment along the main part of the river, and in places where there is some riverbank revetment, it is in an emergency condition. In this article, three variants of reconstruction of the Smolenka River banks by constructing an anchor sheet pile screen are considered. The results of numerical modeling and technical and economic comparison of the use of steel and composite sheet piles for reconstruction design of the Smolenka River banks are presented.


Zaytsev A. K. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Murashova D. S. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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