The paper presents the study results of the currently used nondestructive technique of multichannel analysis of surface waves which is adapted for express assessment of physical and mechanical parameters of dispersive soils during preliminary geotechnical investigation of the construction site. The authors propose a methodology for express plotting of model deformation curve of dispersive soil based on the wave analysis data, which will allow a rapid and non-expensive estimation of allowable load intervals and deformations under these loads with preliminary geotechnical assessment of foundation bases. The plotted deformation curve will be useful for obtaining initial data for numerical modeling of interaction of foundation base with the structure designed for the model of hardening soil and the model of hardening soil at small strains.
- модуль деформации
- упругий модуль деформации
- кривая деформирования
- испытания на трехосное сжатие
- испытания штампами
- гиперболическая модель
- экспоненциальная модель
- метод скоростных уравнений первого порядка
- многоканальный анализ поверхностных волн
- deformation modulus
- elastic deformation modulus
- deformation curve
- triaxial compression tests
- plate load tests
- hyperbolic model
- exponential model
- first-order rate equations
- multichannel analysis of surface waves