The advance of science and technology by the beginning of the XXI century has enabled the creation of quantum engines (QuEn) using the energy of physical vacuum. This is going to lead to the re-equipment of the transport industry: the classic automobile will be transformed into the quantomobile with a quantum engine installed on it. We consider the possibility of creating a quantum - powered vehicle - a QuEn vehicle that will be able to function in all kinds of physical environment (in the air, on land and water) a multi-environment vehicle (MEV), as well as forming a model of its power balance in these kinds of environment. There are specified 10 variants of the quantomobile motion, from an air quantum helicopter (quantocraft) to a quantum submarine (quantomarine). Taking into account the previously published author's concepts of land and air versions of the quantomobile, attention is paid to its motion in the mode of the quantum submarine, which shows the possibility of significantly simplifying the design schemes of existing submarines when implementing quantum thrust on them.