Review article

Experimental investigation of stress-strain properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete of the higher classes








The tangent modulus of elasticity and deformation modulus are the most important characteristics of steel fiber reinforced concrete. The tangent modulus of elasticity corresponds to the initial loading stage, whereas in the operation stage and the fracture stage, there is a modulus of the material deformation, which is smaller, due to the formation of cracks in the element and non-linear behavior of the material. The paper presents experimental investigations of the tangent modulus of elasticity and the deformation modulus of fiber-reinforced concrete, class В60 at various percentages of fiber reinforcement. Existing approaches to determination of the tangent modulus of elasticity are considered. The results obtained are compared with those presented by other researchers. Analytical dependence is proposed for determination of deformation modulus depending on the percentage of fiber reinforcement.


Khegai A. O. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Kirilin N. M. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Khegai T. S. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Khegai O. N. Katanov Khakass State University Abakan, Russia

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