The Far North Pavilion was built by the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway Joint-Stock Company headed by S. I. Mamontov. The pavilion was supposed to draw public attention to the necessity of continuing the construction of the existing road to the North. The Far North pavilion, along with the Shukhov Tower, was one of the most conceptual structures of this exhibition, showing promising directions in the development of architecture and art, in which new principles of morphogenesis in architecture were first manifested. The article is aimed at identifying the morphogenetic factors that influenced the creation of an innovative image of the pavilion, including the history of its creation, as well as analyzing the new principles of architectural morphogenesis based on an emotional imaginative perception of the North as a source of inspiration. These principles later formed the system of artistic stylization, which determined the aesthetics of Art Nouveau in its national version.
- художественный образ в архитектуре
- принципы формообразования
- национально-романтическое направление в модерне
- павильон «Крайний Север»
- Выставка 1896 г. в Нижнем Новгороде
- Коровин
- Кекушев
- Мамонтов
- artistic image in architecture
- principles of morphogenesis in architecture
- national-romantic trend in Art Nouveau
- the Far North pavilion
- Exhibition in 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod
- Korovin
- Kekushev
- Mamontov