Review article

Applied aspects of the entropy indicator of the current construction schedule assessment








Construction is a process, the final result of which is creation of a real estate object ready for operation. However, the planned course of construction is hindered by the untimely execution of certain works. This is due to the influence of a sufficiently large number of negative factors that determine the stochastic nature of construction production. Based on construction monitoring, it is possible to determine the discrepancy between the time characteristics of the actual and the planned work duration at the time of monitoring. As an assessment of this discrepancy, the entropy feature of the current construction schedule is considered, which systematically reflects the state of construction. With the help of this characteristic we can assess the state of construction both from the position of quantitative assessment of its information uncertainty, and from the position of assessing the quality of construction management. Moreover, if we assume that the entropy index maintains its numerical value until the completion of construction, then by this value we can predict the total delay in the completion of construction. The article presents the most important applied functions of the entropy index for evaluating the current construction schedule, which acts as a generalizing criterion reflecting the quality of management, including such general functions as planning, organization and regulation of the course of construction production.


Bolotin S. A. Saint Peterburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Biche-ool H. V. Saint Peterburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Bohan Kh. A. Saint Peterburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Huraini N. Q. R. Saint Peterburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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