Review article

Study of the demand and prospects for the development of industrial symbiosis in Russia








Environmental pollution problems, leading to changes in the strategy of various countries all over the world aimed at increasing control over industrial enterprises, have driven the development of the circular economy. The widely used industrial symbiosis used as a tool of circular economy is currently an understudied area of research in the Russian Federation. The article presents the results of the study of the demand for industrial symbiosis in the scientific and business environment. There are formulated the reasons for the rather low interest in industrial symbiosis in the field of industry, as well as low publication activity of the scientific community in this area in Russia compared to foreign countries.


Mironova D. Yu. ITMO University St. Petersburg, Russia

Baranov I.V. ITMO University St. Petersburg, Russia

Budrin A.G. ITMO University St. Petersburg, Russia

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