Review article

Trends and forecasts of the development of the Russian and Chinese residential real estate market








Taking into account dynamically changing economic conditions and factors, the trends are revealed and the substantiation of forecasts of development of the global and domestic market of residential real estate (on the example of Russia and China) is offered. On the basis of international experience, there have been worked out recommendations for the development of the real estate market in Russia, and it has been determined that the housing construction market in Russia and China is characterized with similar processes, the study of which provides an opportunity to adapt the successful Chinese experience in our country. The significance of the proposed recommendations stems from key aspects that are important for both economic sustainability and social stability. Special attention is paid to the formation of financial instruments, market monitoring and analysis, stimulation of demand through educational programs, development of a modern approach to construction and special attention to infrastructure, state support and rental housing, as well as creation of an effective system of risk assessment, participation of local authorities in the development of regional programs.


Larionov A.N. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) Moscow, Russia

Huseynova A.A. Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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