Title | Pages |
Formation of the architectural and planning structureof fitness centers based on fitness units Kozlov K. V. |
5-15 |
Title | Pages |
Post-limit stress-strain states of steel structure elements in cross-sections Garipov A. I. |
16-30 |
Analysis of the calculation results of reinforced concrete slabs with dispersed reinforcement in elastic and inelastic operation of normal sections Burtsev V. M., Khegai E. O. |
31-36 |
Consideration of progressive collapse in the design of overhead power transmission line supports Senkin N. A. |
37-46 |
Structural optimization of forms and structures of architectural and functional spaces of habitat objects by means of CAD Temnov V. G. |
47-57 |
Title | Pages |
Influence of the shape of the internal transverse crack on the fatigue strength of the beam during cyclic bending Smirnov V. I., Maier S. S. |
58-64 |
Title | Pages |
Applied aspects of the entropy indicator of the current construction schedule assessment Biche-ool H. V., Bohan Kh. A., Huraini N. Q. R. |
65-72 |
The problems of calendar planning in the construction of facilities with the involvement of budgetary funds Motylev R. V., Karpushkin A. S. |
73-81 |
Title | Pages |
Surface runoff disposal from the territory of boiler houses Verkhoturov V. P. |
82-88 |
Investigation of the adsorption activity of carbon adsorbent for water purification obtained by thermochemical destruction of paper mill sewage sludge Dmitrieva K. G. |
89-95 |
Experimental studies of the efficiency of direct conversion of hydraulic energy into pneumatic one Mironov V. V., Erofeev E. A. |
96-101 |
Calculation of the liquid flow splitter of the groundwater aerator Novoselov M. G., Ulrikh D. V., Belkanova M. Yu., Nitskaya S. G. |
102-107 |
Actual problems of hydraulic calculations of transport facilities for surface runoff drainage systems Feskova A. Ya. |
108-114 |
Title | Pages |
Ways of improving the environmental performance of megalopolises by using LNG as a reserve fuel Blinov A. N., Tverskoy I. V. |
115-124 |
Improving the use of solid fuel in the layered combustion method Shkarovskiy A. L. |
125-131 |
Title | Pages |
Process of interaction of the elastic tire with the road surface covered with de-icing agent based on technical salt Gergenov S. M., Fedotov A. I., Darkhanov Zh. V. |
132-140 |
Problematic issues of using satellite navigation in assessing the state of the «road» and «environment» factors in the DCRE system Sorokina E. V. |
141-150 |
Research of factors affecting the internal resistanceof automobile storage batteries Puzakov A. V. |
151-160 |
Analysis of strategic problems and prospects for the development of the gas engine market in the context of various scenarios of the «green transition» of the energy sector in Russia and abroad Khatkov V. Y. |
161-171 |
Title | Pages |
Industry 4.0 in a series of technological paradigms and industrial revolutions: transformation of the construction industry Fedoseev I. V., Yudenko M. N., Vasiliev A. N. |
172-179 |