Review article

Process of interaction of the elastic tire with the road surface covered with de-icing agent based on technical salt








When studying the traction properties of the elastic tire, it should be kept in mind that it is the investigation of the lateral reaction formation in the wheel contact patch with the supporting surface when it is moving with a lateral drifting that is particularly important for the researcher. In spite of numerous publications on this problem, there are practically no studies of lateral traction of the elastic wheel tire with a winter slippery road treated with chemical de-icing agent. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of interaction of the elastic tire with a road surface covered with snow glaze and sand-salt mixture. As a result of this research, three variants of interaction of the elastic tire with the winter road have been revealed based on the different models of friction, namely, boundary, mixed and viscous models of friction, depending on the melting ability of technical salt. When mixed and viscous friction occurs between the tire and the road surface, a «third» body is formed, consisting of a mixture of particles of snow-ice deposits, salt and sand, which is able to slide on the layer of liquid salt solution formed on the supporting road surface, and significantly reduce the tire traction properties when driving with lateral drifting. The obtained results contribute to enlarging new scientific knowledge regarding lateral traction of elastic tires with the supporting surface of the road with winter slipperiness, which is important for increasing the active safety of vehicles on the roads in the cold season.


Gergenov S. M. Eastern Siberian State University of Technology and Management Ulan-Ude, Russia

Fedotov A. I. Irkutsk National Research Technical University Irkutsk, Russia

Darkhanov Zh. V. Eastern Siberian State University of Technology and Management Ulan-Ude, Russia

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