Review article

Approaches to the formation of a strategy for the development of a construction organization in St. Petersburg residential real estate market








The residential real estate market of St. Petersburg is considered, the main trends and directions of development are identified. By means of ABC-analysis of developers by criteria of volumes of construction and sales of residential real estate, the analysis of the basic approaches to formation of strategies of construction organizations is carried out, which reveals the uniformity of the applied basic marketing strategies and limitedness of the applied tools in the competitive struggle. In order to ensure the competitiveness of a construction company, methods of integrating benchmarking into its development strategy are proposed.


Pletneva N.G. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Tokunova G.F. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Evseenko I.D. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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