Review article

Comparative analysis of calculation methods for enclosing pit structures








Choosing the calculation method for the enclosing excavation pit structures is an urgent issue, since the results of the calculations determine the selection of the geometric and mechanical parameters, as well as the estimated cost of materials and works. At present, at calculation of the enclosing structures of excavation pits, there are used classical semi-graphical solutions, semi-analytical programs and software packages based on the finite element method. Each method has its own prerequisites and assumptions, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this article is presentation of comparative analysis results of the main methods for calculating the enclosing structures of excavation pits considering their features and boundary conditions of application. The author has performed test calculations of the excavation pit enclosing structures using the elastic line method in the SCAD and PLAXIS 2D software packages. The author has also developed and proposed a simplified method for calculating pit fences. This method can be used at the pre-project stage of construction in the form of preliminary calculation or as additional verification calculation of the stability, strength and deformability of pit enclosing structures.


Konyushkov V. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Journal Issue