Review article

Experimental study of deformability and bearing capacity of composite I-beams with profiled steel sheet walland laminated veneer lumber belts








The article presents the main analytical dependencies that allow evaluating the bearing capacity and deformability of composite I-beams with profiled steel sheet wall and laminated veneer lumber belts. There is set a task of experimental determination of the elasticity modulus of a fictitious solid beam corresponding to the design under consideration. A series of beams was tested according to the four-point bending scheme. Based on the data obtained, there has been determined the system modulus of elasticity of the beam as a whole, as well as the elasticity modulus of a fictitious solid beam. Herewith, the discrepancy between their values is less than 5 %, which allows concluding that the formulas obtained are applicable for determining the stress-strain state.


Klevan V.I. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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