Review article

Increasing the uniformity of road surface loading to extend its service life


656.13; 656.13.08






The study reveals the problem of heterogeneous loading of road surfacing with vehicle wheels, which leads to the rapid appearance of rutting on the road within 2-3 years and increases the burden on the budgets of the road sectors of cities, regions and the country. The most cost-effective way of extending the service life of road surfacing is presented, namely, periodic shifting of the rolling strips (PSRS), which has passed the stages of research, experiment and the beginning of pilot implementation, but it has not yet found a wide application. The authors review the materials of research on asphalt concrete on rutting testers, asphalt concrete surfacing on the tracks and beyond them, as a scientific substantiation for engineering innovation. The optimal value of the periodic road markup offset is determined from the point of view of probability theory. It is proposed to actively apply the PSRS method on the roads of cities and regions in different climatic zones.


Andronov R. V. Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen, Russia

Elkin B. P. Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen, Russia

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