Review article

Aerodynamic modeling at studying air dust content of residential development in Damascus






The article deals with the problem of air dust content in Damascus and the need to consider the local climatic characteristics in urban development. The factors of dust content formation are highlighted taking into consideration such features as the relief of the terrain and building development of the city. Theoretical and field observations in the coastal areas of the Barada River were conducted to study the air dust content in Damascus. Research results show that air dust content in the housing development located on the river banks depends on its density and the character of relief. According to the aerodynamic modeling, conditions of dust content dispersion in various zones of the city can differ considerably.


Shukurov I. S. National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Mikiri K. I. National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Akhmed Elamin M. A. National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

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