Review article

Basic provisions for forming the parameter-oriented model of contractor selection in the conditions of engineering management scheme








The article deals with the issue of the investment and construction complex that is regarded as a type of technical and economic systems which are, in turn, considered as a particular case of dynamic systems. Such complex is a functional subsystem of society, where production, distribution and consumption of material goods are implemented, and which is characterized by a large complexity of relationships, permanent progressive development, a distinct hierarchy, as well as by a large number of factors predominantly stochastic in nature. In the course of research, there was formed a procedure for choosing the bids of the contractors and obtained the parameter classification to be used at evaluation of the bids of subcontractors for construction works within the engineering management strategy.


Sborshchikov S. B. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)

Khripko T. V. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)

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