Review article

«Brick style» and facing brick manufacturingin Saint-Petersburg province in the XIX century








The article shows the emergence of the architectural brick style in the construction practice of St. Petersburg in the XIX century elaborating new decorative effects. The author presents a description of the first architectural structure in brick style, namely, a profitable apartment house. The emergence of the brick factory (TOSM) manufacturing facing bricks is noted. There are formulated the main requirements to the facing brick which was to serve as both decorative and constructive material. The technology of producing the facing brick is described in full detail, the brick being manufactured by the manual method. Also, considerable attention is paid at the practice of bricklaying with instruction provided in regard of the necessary tools and materials. Such aspects as efficiency, aesthetics and rationality of the brick style in industrial architecture are particularly noted.


Inchik V. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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