Review article

Complex mechanization of earthwork operations in conditions of subzero temperatures








The article presents the study results of complex mechanization of earthwork operations in conditions of subzero temperatures. The authors set the goals of complex mechanization of earthwork operations and determine the indicators of efficiency of ground transport-technological machines` operations under conditions considered. The indicators of evaluating the efficiency of complex mechanization are presented. The repair works` specificity in winter conditions is highlighted. The goals and tasks in earthwork repair work performance in the frozen ground excavation are determined. A set of transport-technological machines for performing excavation repair works in the winter period has been determined, some auxiliary technological machines and equipment being offered, depending on the volume and type of the coating developed.


Kurakina E. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Stepina P. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Druzhinin P. V. MA LT named after General A. V. Khrulev

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