The article is devoted to contemporary problems in spatial planning (SP) as a part of urban planning policy of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the National Resettlement Scheme (1994) as the basis for the future strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation, the absence of which adversely affects the efficiency of the regional SP schemes. Critical assessment of the regional SP schemes is presented. The ways of solving these problems through changes in the hierarchy of the SP documents in the Russian Federation are proposed.
- территориальное планирование
- градостроительная политика
- стратегия пространственного развития
- территориальная целостность
- территория
- система расселения
- межрегиональное планирование
- макрозона
- spatial planning
- urban planning policy
- spatial development strategy
- territorial integrity
- territory
- resettlement scheme
- inter-regional planning
- macro-zone