Review article

Criteria for evaluating the traditional dwelling «Siheyuan» as a historical and architectural heritage of Beijing (by the example of the southwestern district of Dongcheng)








The concept of «folk architecture» is considered in the interpretation of traditional Chinese dwelling built without a standard established by the state. The author analyzes the change in the architectural and spatial environment formed by traditional Chinese dwellings of the Siheyuan type in the historical center of Beijing, which were conditioned by historical, political, socio-economic factors, and globalization processes. The evolution of attitudes towards the Siheyuan type dwellings as a historical heritage of Beijing in the 20-th and 21-st centuries is considered and their current state is evaluated. The criteria for determining the value characteristics of the historical and architectural heritage among the traditional Chinese dwellings in Beijing have been identified.


Kefala O. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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